Best Solution to Manage Your Finance & Accounting For a Better Life

I am the co-founder and CEO of Burke Financial Time. I have demonstrated exceptional leadership, strategic planning, and business development skills, making significant strides in the financial sector.  

Best advisor

Providing top-notch, personalized advice to help you achieve your goals with expert guidance and strategic insights.

Experienced Team

A highly skilled and knowledgeable team dedicated to delivering exceptional results and ensuring client success through collaborative efforts.

Premium Services

Offering superior, high-quality services tailored to meet your specific needs, ensuring excellence and unparalleled satisfaction.


Michael James Burke, born on October 10, 1965, in the USA, is a dynamic and influential leader in the financial industry. He completed his education in the USA and later moved to Dubai, UAE, for his professional career. His extensive education in economics and law laid a strong foundation for his career. As the co-founder and CEO of Burke Financial Time, Michael has demonstrated exceptional leadership, strategic planning, and business development skills, making significant strides in the financial sector. His multilingual abilities (English, Arabic, and German) have been crucial in global business relations.

Our Services

Service We Provide

Financial expertise and management
Financial expertise and management

Financial expertise and management involve overseeing and guiding an organization's financial health.

Asset recovery
Asset recovery

Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices, and processes by which an organization is directed and controlled.

Alternative finance solutions

Alternative finance solutions refer to non-traditional methods of raising capital outside of conventional banking systems.

Litigation management
Litigation management

Litigation management refers to the strategic handling of legal disputes and court cases involving an organization.

Corporate governance

Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices, and processes by which an organization is directed and controlled.

Strategic planning and business development

Strategic planning and business development involve defining the long-term vision and goals of an organization and developing strategies to achieve them.


  • Director at Alba Capital (Greater New York City Area).

  • Managing Director of Arabian Escaped Recovery (Dubai, UAE).

  • Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Burke Financial Time (Dubai, UAE).

  • Recognized for innovation, creativity, and leadership in the financial industry.

  • Established a reputation as a skilled financial professional through successful investment opportunities and executive roles.
Capabilities Overview


  • Schooling: Northfield Mount Hermon (completed in 1983)

  • Undergraduate Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Boston University

  • Law Degree: Juris Doctor in Comparative Constitutional Law from New York Law School

  • Role during Law School: Editor of the New York Law School Reporter


  • Litigation management
  • Asset recovery
  • Joint ventures
  • Corporate governance
  • Alternative finance
  • Multilingual (fluent in English, Arabic, and German)
  • Legal research and analysis
  • Strategic planning
  • Business development
  • Private equity and asset management


Location name

Dubai, UAE

Email Address

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